A.For the tuition fees that are payable by students in all years of their course please see the Student fees and finance web page.

A. Our ND and HNDdegree programmes are listed in the A-Z course index of our online Prospectus. You can also request a paper copy of the ND/HND Prospectus. We offer a full range of taught and professional diploma at all level, all of which place emphasis on equipping students with specific analytical and research skills. This training enables our graduates to make a real contribution to their field of research, internationally recognised research specialists.

A. For course entry requirements please see the online Prospectus.

A. Please see our Careers and Employability Service web pages for advice on looking for jobs and careers after graduation.

A. The best time to visit the College is during one of our open days, campus tours or other official events. Details of our events for prospective students are as follows. If you are unable to make one of our organised events, please feel free to come and conduct a self-guided tour around the campuses at any time. The College operates an open campus policy. A Self-guided campus tour brochure will help you find your way around campus.

A. If you would like the prospectus in an alternative format, such as audio, Braille or large print,
please contact us: telephone:

We’d like to help and talk with you



The best time to visit the University is during one of our open days, campus tours or other official events

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Can I park my car on campus?

Students who live in halls of residence or who have a term-time address within a radius of 15 miles of University Park

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Applications are made online directly to the University. The intake dates and application deadlines can be found on the page

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University of Education College Offers career-oriented programs for motivated students.